Friday, October 26, 2012

It's soup season!

The weather around these parts dropped from a perfectly balmy mid-60s to a damp, miserable mid-40s in a little over a week. When it gets this cold I almost instinctively get a hankering for soup, and I know my colleague feels the same way; recently we saw a sign in a store for a "soup and yoga" class and she exclaimed repeatedly how amazing this store was for combining her favorite type of food and her favorite form of exercise. Personally I can't stand yoga, but I am firmly Team Soup. First off, it's the perfect food to make ahead and freeze; and secondly, I am in desperate need of more vegetables in my diet and soups are a great way to sneak them into meals.

My first soup experiment was Taste of Beirut's Red Hot Chili Pepper Soup.

I used a can of kidney beans and a can of chickpeas in lieu of a fresh crop of beans, and I forgot to add the tomatoes (they were not missed, however). I also omitted the chili paste and instead added paprika, red pepper flakes and red pepper in addition to salt and black pepper while the soup simmered. The soup had a nice heat without being overwhelming, and the meat was just shy of being chewy. In addition to having this soup for dinner, the recipe yielded about 5 additional portions, three of which I froze. 

My second soup experiment was The Clothes Make The Girl's Golden Cauliflower Soup

The only substitutions I made were to use whole milk instead of coconut and my own chicken stock instead of beef broth. I've yet to taste the results, but the recipe made six healthy portions, three of which went straight in the freezer. I'm looking forward to having this in the morning with breakfast to up my vegetable intake. 

While the golden cauliflower soup simmered on the stove, I cut up two pie pumpkins and roasted them in the oven. 

Tomorrow I'm going to deconstruct these suckers for a pumpkin curry. Recipe to come!

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